Training of the Mind: Lojong
Lama Trinle (02/14/2023)
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S.S. Dalai Lama | Atisha | Tchenrezig | Tchekawa | Bokar Rinpoche |
Dear Friends,
Actually we study the poetic text Entry in the Conduct of the Bodhisattvas ( of the Indian master Shantideva (685-763) (22d_Shantideva Tanka) mostly with the commentary of Kunzang Palden (1862-1943) (02b_Kunzang Palden intro Eng.). Shantideva was respected in Tibet as he was in India for his deep and poetic presentation of Buddha’s teachings (22a_Buddha – Tanka)
To apply these teachings into practice we can find the means in the precious oral instructions given by the Indian master Atisha (982 – 1054) (22b_Atisha Tanka), who, in the XIth century, was influential in the transmission of the Holly Dharma from India to Tibet.
In Mind Training: Great Collection (01_Mind Training – introduction), the first volume of the collection Tibetan Classics, Tubten Jinpa, the main translator of His Holiness Dalai Lama, mentions that these instructions where collected, transcribed and organized in a structured way by some of his disciples. This explains why that slightly different versions arrived down to us: (21a_Root Lines Eng. / 21b_Root Lines Tib A4).
The presentation that received a particular consideration was that of Chekawa Yéshe Dordgé (1101 – 1075) under the title of The Training of the Mind in Seven Points. This text, short of a few pages, gathers all the essential instructions to follow the Path of Awakening taught by the Buddha (22a_Buddha – Tanka).
It contains instructions for formal meditation sessions (22c_Tchenrezig 2 Braços Tanka / 20_Lojong – Textos de pratica) but also those that can guide us to overcome and integrate on the Path of Awakening the difficulties we may meet, in our environment as well as in our mind.
Gyelse Tokme Zanpo (1295-1369), at the beginning of his short commentary, (03a_Togme Eng A4 / 03b_Tokme Tib A4 / 03c_Tokme Tib-pécha A3) Gyelse Tokme Zanpo (1295-1369) quotes Nagarjuna:
For those that wish to attain the Supreme Enlightenment,
Its basis is a bodhicitta, stable like the king of mountain,
A compassion that extents in all directions,
And a primordial Consciousness that transcends duality.”
All the instructions necessary to develop them are resumed in the text of Chekawa Yeshe Dordge. Since the time of Atisha this concentrated text is studied and taught with commentaries that clarify its meanings.
The most ancient of these commentaries was written by a direct disciple of Chekawa, Sé Chilbu (1121-1189) (04a_Sé Chilbu – Eng A4 / 04b_Sé Chilbu – Tib A4 / 04c_Se Chilbu – Tib pécha A3) .
Two others commentaries dates from before the XIVth century; those of: Sangye Gompa (1179-1250) (05a_Sangye Gompa – Eng A4 / 05b_Sangye Gompa – Tib A4 / 05c_Sangye Gompa – Tib pecha) and Konchog Gyaltsen (1388-1469) (06a_Konchog Gyaltsen – Eng / 06b_Konchog Gyaltsen – Tib A4 / 06c_Konchog Gyaltsen – Tib pecha).
These short texts of about one hundred pages are very detailed, clear and inspiring.
During the XVth century, Namka Pel (1376-1447), a disciple of Tsong Kapa (1357-1419), composed a commentary: Rays of the Sun (07a_Rays of the Sun – Eng intro / 07b_Rays of the Sun – Tib A5 / 07c_Rays of the Sun – Tib pécha), that become the main reference in the Gelug tradition up to our days.
Other teachers are referring to the original text of Chekawa or to the more ancient commentaries.
The main difference between the two is in their pedagogy. For some the emphasis is first done on and extensive training in the relative bodhicitta before accessing to ultimate bodhicitta. Others practice a little meditation without elaborations since the beginning and train to develop both together.
The commentary of Jamgon Kongtrul Lodro Taye (1813-1899)(08a_Kongtrul – Tib A4 / 08b_Kongtrul – Tib Pécha A3) fwas the first to be translated in English in 1974 (08c_Kongtrul – Eng intro) in French in 1980 (08d_Kongtrul – Français) and in portuguese en 2010 (08e_Kongtrul – Português).
Among the commentaries by contemporary Tibetan masters we have the transcription of teachings given in India by venerable Bokar Rinpotche (1940-2004), in India in 2000 e 2002 (09_Bokar R – Lojong Fr).
We have a short teaching of Jamgon Kongtrul III (1954-1992); Thrangu Rinpotche (1933..) (12_Thrangu R – Eng Intro) ; Traleg Rinpotché (1955-2012) (13_Traleg – Eng intro) andDilgo Kyentse Rinpotché (1910-1991) (14_Khyentse – Eng intro / 14b_Khyentse – Fr intro).
Referring more to the commentary of Namka Pel: His Holiness Dalai Lama (1940..) gave a teaching in 1985 (15a_Dalai Lama – Eng / 15b_Dalai Lama – Portugês). Also worth of attention are the teachings of the Geshes: Jampa Teckchog (1930…) (16_Tegchog – Eng); Lama Konchog (1927-2001) (16b_Konchog – Eng); Kelzang Gyatso (1931-2022) (17a_Gyatso – Eng intro / 17b_Gyatso – Fr Cov / 17c_Gyatso – Portugês capa); Geshe Rabten (1921-1986) (18_Rabten – Fr Cov) and Gomo Tulku (1922-1985) (19_Gomo Tulku – Eng intro).
Those that wish to study and learn to practice these instructions can receive the explanations during short retreats orientated by competent lamas.
With all my best wishes!
France the 14th of February 2023
Lama Trinle
Next Lojong Retreat
Will be guided by Lama Pelmo (, in Rio de Janeiro from 14 to 16, april 2023.
For complementary information and contact:
France: [email protected]
Brasil Site:
Brasília : [email protected]
Rio de Janeiro (KTL): [email protected]
São Paulo: KDK: [email protected]
Campo Grande: No facebook @sanghacampo. – Contato 67-99211-7478.
Source for the textes: Tibetan Classics: – BDRC:
Tsadra: – Biographies: Treasury of lives:
Tankas: HAR: et – The translated books still on sell are accessible in libraries or through Dharma centers.